Trot, Eat, Sleep!

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Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it is filled with smiles, laughter, family, and most of all, the delicious food! If your thanksgiving is anything like mine, you always seem to end the day with what seems like more food than what you started with, a stuffed belly and a small feeling of guilt for eating so much food. Well, I finally found a way to lessen the guilt! Instead of starting the morning watching football on the couch, or cooking in the kitchen… Wake up, and trot your way to the finish line at the annual Turkey Trot hosted by the West Texas Running club. Starting your thanksgiving with an active morning leads to less guilt and healthier choices throughout the day!

This year is the 25th anniversary of the Turkey Trot! The West Texas Running Club Turkey Trot started on November 25, 1993 at Guadalupe Park. The very first trot had a total of 76 runners, but not long after that the Turkey Trot outgrew Guadalupe Park. A short 16 years later, in 2009, the number of participants jumped up 5 times to a total of 414 finishers. Terry Dalton, the race director since 2009 succeeded in making the Turkey Trot the largest West Texas Running Club event in 2012 with the number of runners shooting up to 860. Just in a matter of 19 years the Turkey Trot grew more than 10 fold, thus showing how remarkable this event is!

The West Texas Running Club makes this event so easy for the whole family to join. The Turkey Trot has two distance options. One is a 12K for the older and more experienced trotters, and the other is 2 miles for the younger turkey’s and their families. Since 2012 the Turkey Trot has moved to the Bayer Museum of Agriculture in Mackenzie Park, giving plenty of space for all turkey trotters.

If you would like more information on how to register or volunteer go to this website:

Make this thanksgiving an active, healthy one! Start it off with a trot, eat a nutritious thanksgiving meal, and sleep off the hard work later!

Happy Monday!

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