Winter Weather Affects Blood Sugar!

healthylubDiabetes, Healthy Lubbock Lifestyle, Healthy TipsLeave a Comment

Though I love writing about health tips and fun events in the local area, sometimes it is important to have a more informative post. This post is regarding how the cold winter weather can change blood sugar levels and affect diabetes.

First, let’s start with a quick diabetes refresher. Diabetes is considered a chronic condition that has two forms. Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is a condition most children are born with, their bodies cannot produce insulin and therefore need insulin injections to regulate blood sugar levels. Type 2 is a condition that evolves over time and typically is found in adults. Type 2 diabetes results in high sugar and fat intakes with a lack of exercise. This causes blood sugar levels to rise and insulin production is reduced. Both types of diabetes are affected by the shivering weather this time of year.

The icy weather causes many people to be less active, diets change in the winter, and many stress more due to planning holiday parties budget, gift ideas and budgeting. All these things have an affect on our blood sugar levels:

DDS SafetyNet has a great article describing how these things can affect our blood sugar levels. Here is a brief summary of what it states:

  • Cold weather can make peoples blood sugars change very rapidly.
  • Being less active due to the cold weather can affect how people need to regulate their blood sugar.
  • Becoming sick in the winter is common, getting the cold or flu causes stress on the body and can affect blood sugar levels.

So now what? How do I help regulate my blood sugar levels better in the winter and prevent this from happening? Well, also in the article it gives some helpful tips that include:

  • Staying active! This will keep you warm and also help people who are more anxious and depressed during the winter. You can do this by walking in the mall or using the stairs, doing at home exercises like yoga and stretching. Even cleaning the house or playing with your kids counts!
  • Staying warm! It may be cold out but fresh air is important, so bundle up when you go outside to keep your body temperature at a normal level.
  • Staying Healthy! Nasty bugs go around in the winter, so remember to wash your hands frequently, get your vaccines and remember to take your medications if you have them!

Not only people with diabetes can follow these tips, but everyone can! It is important to stay healthy through the harsh winters.

Look at me! It ended up to be a more upbeat, healthy tips, post!

I wish everyone the healthiest winter!



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