Is There Food Insecurity in Texas?

healthylubChronic Disease, Healthy Lubbock Lifestyle, Local Activities & Events, Non-profitLeave a Comment

According to, 1 in 6 people in Texas struggle with hunger and 1 in 4 children in Texas struggle with hunger. Texas is a developed state, and with a mass amount of food that is available at our fingertips, these numbers are shocking. Organizations like SNAP, WIC and foodbanks help individuals and families receive donated food and meals. These companies save many lives and help many people daily. However, they can only do so much if the public does not know how many people in America are actually hungry.

There are many things you can do to help spread awareness of this unfamiliar problem in Texas.

  1. Volunteer at the South Plains Food Bank
  2. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
  3. Share events and posts about food insecurity
  4. Start a local community garden
  5. Donate canned foods
  6. Business owner? Host an event where people pay through donating canned food items.

To give an example for number 6, Strike Out Hunger is an annual event hosted here in Lubbock to help support and raise awareness of food insecurity. Every year Chap baseball and Chap softball teams come out to play a tournament where the public can come to watch by donating 5 cans per person or 10 per family. This fun filled, family event will have food, games, music and other activities going on. That does not include the exciting baseball and softball games that will be played. This year’s Strike Out Hunger is hosted on April 14th at 11 am!

For more information visit 

Hope to see you there!


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